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Showing posts from 2020

Install Solr 8.5 on Windows server 2016

This article will describe how to install Solr 8.5 on the Windows server. I selected Windows 2016 datacenter server to install Solr. System requirements; Apache Solr runs on Java 8 or greater. Download and install Java 8 or higher version. Once you install the Java go to Command prompt and verify with the Java version; Verify Java Version - Windows Installing Solr Download the Solr windows version. It is a zip file and extracts it to the location as you wish to keep the Solr application. Unzip Solr Go to the command prompt > Solr > Bin folder; The easiest way to open the command prompt with the bin folder; go to Solr Bin folder and right-click the blank area with the Shift key and click "open the command window here" . In the command windows type "S olr start" Start Solr in Windows Completed the Solr installation! Open the web browser and type  http://localhost:8983/ . The Solr default port is 9883. Solr 8.5 D...

Apache Solr Memory Adjusment

This article will describe how to change the default memory allocation of Apache Solr version 8.4. I believe that you can do the same changes in other Solr versions as well.   By default, the "bin/Solr" script sets the maximum Java heap size to 512M (-Xmx512m), which is fine for getting started with Solr. For production, you’ll want to increase the maximum heap size based on the memory requirements of your search application. When you need to change the memory settings for your Solr server, use the variable in the include file. How to do it; For the Windows; we need to change the SOLR_JAVA_MEM variable as; 1. open the "solr.cmd' file in the solr\bin folder from a text editor and find SOLR_JAVA_MEM variable in the file; 2. I change it as below and restarted the Solr Service SOLR_JAVA_MEM = "-Xms1024m -Xmx4400m" Then you can see the changed memory details from Solr Dashboard. 3. for the Linux distributions you need to do the chang...